Social Media Algorithm Examples

We’ve all heard about algorithms, particularly social media algorithms. 

But what are they exactly, and how do they work? Social media algorithms are machine learning programs that learn a user’s preferences, and intelligently curate and recommend content. 

Now, that’s all well and good, but what does this look like in practice? We’ve created a list of some algorithm examples to illustrate how this works in the social media context.

1. Facebook

First up on our list of algorithm examples is the Facebook algorithm. 

Facebook is probably the most popular social media site. Its social media algorithm prioritizes user engagement over content quality. And that means that no amount of quality or relevant content will help you if it’s not garnering engagements. 

This is one reason why posts that originate from friends and family members tend to enjoy greater engagement on Facebook, rather than random posts from businesses. 

2. TikTok

TikTok’s social media algorithm operates in a way that’s very similar to other social media sites. 

Their algorithm works to curate and recommend different videos based on a user’s past history. This helps to eliminate extraneous or unwanted material. The user only finds the content and TikTok creators that dovetail with their demonstrated interests and interactions. 

The algorithm also incorporates information from video metadata and user settings to make its recommendations. Learn more about it in this guide to the TikTok algorithm. 

3. Twitter

Now, Twitter’s been around for a while, and its algorithm has experienced several different iterations. 

For instance, way back in 2006, when it was first launched, Twitter relied on reverse chronological rankings. In other words, the latest tweets were given top priority. 

But that was then, and Twitter’s algorithms have become a great deal more sophisticated. Now its algorithms can curate and push forward previously overlooked tweets that may be of interest to various users. 

4. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an interesting case, since it’s designed for networking. 

This is why it’s become a very formal and business-oriented B2B networking site. LinkedIn’s algorithms rely on engagement and connection when it comes to content ranking on the social media platform. 

Unlike Twitter or TikTok, for instance, LinkedIn is geared more toward building business networks rather than finding followers. That’s why the key to success on this platform is to create useful and relevant content. 

5. Pinterest

Pinterest actually makes the cut as a social media network. 

However, it features a rather specialized layout and engagement strategy. Pinterest’s algorithms operate by studying a user’s previous search and interaction activities to make suggestions for the next pick. 

So, just like many of the other algorithm examples we’ve examined, Pinterest’s algorithm tries to give users more of what they like. 
